Dear Vancouver Internet Exchange (VANIX) Participants,
The 2019 annual meeting of VANIX will be held at 12:00 PM on Monday, April 29, 2019. The meeting will take place at the Radisson Hotel Vancouver Airport located at 8181 Cambie Road, Richmond, British Columbia, V6X 3X9.
The day’s activities will start with lunch at 11:30 AM, followed by the formal annual meeting at 12:00 PM. After that, there will be presentations on the activities of our Operations Committee and our new strategic plan, which will be distributed and launched at that time. The presentations will be followed by a general discussion.
The annual meeting is open to all those who are interested in the activities of VANIX and peering in the Greater Vancouver area. However, only the designated member representatives (“DMRs”) of voting members of the Corporation as of April 8, 2019 (or their proxyholders, duly appointed by them pursuant to the 2019 annual meeting procedures) may vote at the annual meeting. If your entity is a participant (i.e., peering organization) in VANIX and has also elected to be a member of the corporate entity VANIX, the DMR for your organization has been sent a separate and more detailed email regarding the annual meeting.
The capacity of the event is limited so to register, please follow the following link Please note that registrations made after April 21, 2019 will have to be made by contacting me directly at and will not include lunch.
Best regards,
Christian Tacit, Secretary